
To donate, simply click on the link, or use your phone’s camera with a QR Code reader application and point to the screen.
This link / QR Code will get you to the Paypal website, where you could make your donation.
Or you can also choose to deposit / transfer to the following Bank Accounts:
Suport Family Cléber&Débora
- Banco do Brasil, AG 3020-1 , CC 16688-0 , Cleber Alves – Pix: 796.385.899-49
- NuBank, AG 0001 , CC 79167322-0 , Cleber Alves – Pix: [email protected]
- Itaú, AG 3322, CC 32489-2 , Cleber Alves – Pix: [email protected]
- PayPal – Cleber Alves
Ministerial Services – Account on Brasil
- Razão Social: Associação Duas Sementes – DS
- CNPJ/Pix: 40.082.707/0001-09
- Banco do Brasil, AG 0531-2 , CC 159704-3
Ministerial Services – Account on Malawi
- First Capital Bank
- Client: Achinyamata A Cholinga
- Beneficiary’s Foreign Account/IBAN: 0003502006763
- Swift Code: FRCGMWMW